First Thursday Club 6th March sponsored by City of Bristol College


Knights Brown



For 60 years Knights Brown has been delivering specialist works to complex civil engineering and building schemes throughout Southern England and Wales from regional offices based in Ringwood, Rochester and, Bridgend. We work in eight broad sectors – coasts, rivers and ports, airports, buildings, defence, energy, infrastructure and public realm, waste and water. With a turnover of £68 million in 2018, we have delivered a diverse range of schemes for both public and private sector clients ranging from £50,000 to £19 million in value. We currently hold prominent places on key frameworks for highways and infrastructure works throughout Southern England and Wales and are contracted to construct a number of key infrastructure schemes this year in Bristol, Gloucester, Swindon and South Wales. These schemes sit alongside our specialist energy division which delivers energy projects throughout the UK and Ireland. To date we have delivered over 800 MW of energy capacity through the construction of wind, short term operating reserve, Tidal, Battery Storage and Energy from Waste schemes. Our success is driven by our professional staff, trained in-house direct workforce and trusted supply chain, who we encourage to work together to add value for our clients and the communities we are part of.